Daily Energy EFT Tips On Facebook

Daily Energy EFT Tips On Facebook

From today, 8th June 2012, the Energy EFT Facebook page will be the home of free daily EFT updates from Silvia Hartmann, author of Energy EFT, designed to help Practitioners, Trainers and Self-Helpers get the most out of EFT.

Read on for more information...

Everyday, for an initial running of 90 days, at 15:30 GMT a new post will be added. From one-line tips and tricks to more detailed observations, Silvia Hartmann has taken her years of experience of one-to-one EFT sessions and live trainings, and condensed them down into simple, helpful snippets!

Like the Energy EFT Facebook page to discover these fantastic new posts, along with a host of other links, videos and photos on EFT.

The first Energy EFT Daily Digest is online now, so what are you waiting for?!


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